Getting older has a way of granting you perspective you couldn't get otherwise. You begin to see that change is the only constant in the universe. Things that seem like they will never change always do.
It also becomes painfully clear that you will never actually cross the finish line and be able to just enjoy some post-effort state. You never get a day off from life until it's over.
The quality of our experiences are based in our attitudes. Being able to accept something less than perfect... less than a sublime joy. It's hard when other people cannot. It's even more difficult when they hold you responsible for their inability to enjoy life in its raw form.
Lately I've been going out and climbing whatever boulder problems I can. I'm not at the level of strength I would like to be, but I am still in the game.
Proprioceptive memories are an incredible experience. Wabi-Sabi is a recent problem I found and climbed, but sometimes, twenty years later now, I discover that my body remembers movements and the texture and shape of the rock that I haven't touch or made in two decades. And sometimes on problems and climbs I may have only done once. When I stretch for a hold and the split second before I fully grasp it I can remember EXACTLY how it's going to feel. That moment of "oh, there you are". When I turn into a back step, or find the right foot and my body finds the echo of movement from another's hard to truly describe. And I wish I had known all those years ago this was going to happen, but I'm happy to have these strange experiences now.
(originally posted on 12/9/23)
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