Monday, February 12, 2024

The Way

I think my answers lie on a new path.  This is not surprising to me.  What is surprising is that it took me this long to find where to place my feet.  It’s been in front of me all along.

I’ve known this since early on in my ADHD journey—that this is not a “dysfunction” or a “disability.”  There is nothing wrong with me.  The world expects me to be a fish when I am a bird.  And if we’re being brutally honest (and why not, I’ve suffered silently long enough) the world expects me to be a well-conformed capitalist worker-drone when I am an adventurous soul who craves new experiences.

I’ve been going about it all wrong.  “It?” you might ask.  Life.  I keep trying to shoehorn my free spirit into an 8 to 4 job.  It’s never going to work. 

A long time ago one of my favorite songwriters released a song with the line:

"No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from"

I've used that line as a metric in the past to know when to move on.  It's served me well.  What's different now is that there are so many things I want to be free from that are sucking the life right out of me.

I want to be free of the mental clutter.  It's the search for solutions to this problem that have led me to the new answer.

Remnants of my Eagle Scout Project from 1992

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