Saturday, January 06, 2024

The Time Bandit Strikes Again


I haunt these woods still. Twentysome years later and I'm still wrasslin' the same pebbles. It was a short week at work but long. I thought if I knocked off early and bouldered I might clear my head going into the weekend, but instead I just meditated longer on the big issue that's dogged me all week. It's all good; if not resolved, it's at least moved to a less contentious status.

I saw this arete a few days ago. I saw this arete twenty two years ago. For some reason I never got on it. I was too enamored with the other stuff I ended up developing in this area. But this line has been living rent free in my head this week despite the considerable bandwidth work has demanded from me.

So I played a little hooky and scrabbled up a little rock while totally not distracting myself from work woes. It's okay. I still enjoyed myself. The bummer is I ran out of daylight or I would have put up another problem or two. Maybe revisited some of the other area classics.

I was content as I drove out of the Gorge through the Tunnel and over to Miguel's.  Now I'm harassing Bean while she works as I wait on my standard: basil, black bean and green peppers.

Problem: Time Bandit V1

Area: wouldn’t you like to know 

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